Rehab Comedy Show is a stand-up comedy show featuring comedians who have gone through addiction and rehabilitation experiences. The show aims to use humor as a way to break the stigma surrounding addiction and mental health, while also promoting the idea of recovery. Comedians such as Keenan Baker, Michael Schirtzer, Skyler Stone, JC Currais, Ben Brandfon, and Zane Helberg will perform in the show and share their personal stories and experiences with addiction and recovery through their comedic acts. The show has gained popularity for its unique approach to comedy and its message of hope and resilience.
Rehab Comedy Show is a stand-up comedy show featuring comedians who have gone through addiction and rehabilitation experiences. The show aims to use humor as a way to break the stigma surrounding addiction and mental health, while also promoting the idea of recovery. Comedians such as Keenan Baker, Michael Schirtzer, Skyler Stone, JC Currais, Ben Brandfon, and Zane Helberg will perform in the show and share their personal stories and experiences with addiction and recovery through their comedic acts. The show has gained popularity for its unique approach to comedy and its message of hope and resilience.